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David Feng, Deputy Manager of Uni-intel, Was Invited by CNIPA to Give a Lecture on the Topic of "Intellectual Property Litigation and Dispute Resolution"

On September 1, the Advanced Seminar on Enhancement of Agricultural Intellectual Property Ability, hosted by the ministry of personnel of CNIPA and undertaken by the Personnel Service Center of the MHRSS and the Training Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, opened in Chizhou. Mr. David Feng, the Deputy Manager of Uni-intel, was invited to make a speech in the seminar about the topic of "Intellectual Property Litigation and Dispute Resolution".

The Seminar lasted for 4 days and it includes topics of agricultural technology innovation and management, patent PCT application overview, intangible cultural heritage and agricultural cultural heritage intellectual property protection, etc. Uni-intel is honored being invited to make a presentation and will continue to help clients solving their intellectual property problems.

(Published on 2020/09/17)

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